Buy American Project
companies, jobs, products and prosperity.
This Guestbook is for consumer patriots who want to post comments about Buying American, so feel free to discuss your favorite American brand or American-made product. If you are aware of a little-known product that is Made in USA, please list it here for the benefit of everyone. Comments that are derogatory or inappropriate will not be posted. Buying American is a positive and patriotic thing to do for our country, so let's keep it positive.
Email: rdgun99 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Rick D. Gunter
This is a great idea and project! Spreading the word on this and Buying American is what can expedite the return of the USA Pride!! Thanks! Rick
Email: sthornton [at] icloud [dot] com
Stan Thornton
I always try to buy American made products. I do so because I love America and the God Chosen people who live and work here.
Email: latruck [at] aol [dot] com
Gloria Peron
Website - Email: revgeorge52 [at] hotmail [dot] com
I totally support any site that supports the USA and its products. Keep the jobs in the USA and buy American.
Email: dewaynedtpf [at] aol [dot] com
DeWayne Drummond
Suggest you add a link to Facebook so we can spread the word.
Website - Email: gerry_young [at] yahoo [dot] com
Msgt Gerard Young, USAF (Retired)
This Congress needs to stop sending jobs overseas, and do more to steer this work to American companies and American workers. It is a genuine shame our elected leaders are not watching out for the economy of America. Wake up, you fools, and do what we sent you to Washington, DC to perform. Improve our economy for ALL Americans!
Email: blake0110 [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Our nation has fallen from God and in turn our glory over other nations. Lets spread the word of Jesus and remember how our country was founded. Our nations leaders and corporations are swelling from greed of the dollar. Let your voices be heard as "We the People", keep God and our money in America.
Email: keithcoalmer [at] aol [dot] com
Keith Coalmer
I was Made in America, therefor I buy American made products.
Email: wws2 [at] aol [dot] com
Walter W. Stumpf Jr.
I have searched for a 'catalog' of sorts that lists American Manufacturers either by name and then what they make here, or better a listing of items and then who makes them here! I struggle to buy American, and so do many others, because both the consumer and retailer cannot find the information easily.
David Roberts
Where is the simple Search feature for the known list of products (with new additions every day)? That is the single most important and obvious feature to have on this website. Thank you.
I buy from All American Clothing Co. and I am thrilled with the quality, price and service speed. But most of all it is a joy to buy American made goods.
Website - Email: bakercd2 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net
Deanna Baker
I'm all for this idea, and have started to check ideas more closely. American companies who have products made out of the USA are greedy. Their products are not any less expensive to the consumer.
Website - Email: roseann [dot] hartzell [at] yahoo [dot] com
roseann hartzell
I love this post I would like to have a catologe of you store or open a store in las vegas nv. send info
Email: taylor316 [at] gmail [dot] com
Marshall Taylor
Please buy American made products whenever possible to support our friends and neighbors! The future of this country depends on it!
Email: petrj [dot] zelaya [at] yahoo [dot] com
Peter Joseph-Zelaya
Thank you for the opportunity and the honor to sign your guestbook.
Let's joing forces together so our children can have a better future! Peter Joseph
Email: dr8588jr [at] yahoo [dot] com
Dan Rollins
Spend your American dollars on American products and help this country get back on her feet. Do something as small as buy produce from a local farmer or as big as buy an American car. We're all in this together!
Email: rhgrey [at] ptd [dot] net
Robert H Grey Sr
I've been preaching for over 40 years to buy American. I was a editor of my Union and every month for over five years I ran articles pushing American made goods. Keep up the good work and maybe we can save our country my being the best in the world at what we know how to do. manufacture American Made goods.
Website - Email: gdaley [at] q [dot] com
Gary O. Daley
My goal is to buy American made products whenever possible. We need to recapture our Jobs from other countries
Website - Email: hmhervey [at] cp-usa [dot] org
Harold Hervey
Good concept and worthy of strong promotion.
Email: hdjonesjr [at] hotmail [dot] com
doug jones jr
Keep it strong , make it here . keep the unions at a minimum. keep it right to work ! every one has a choice. treat your employees with respect and pay them a good and honest wage.
Website - Email: steve [at] mightymascart [dot] com
Steve Shannon
We make the world's most versatile multi-purpose utility carts. 100% Made in USA, 100% recyleable. Ideal for Moms, Dads and Seniors.
Email: cdoc [dot] toddanderson [at] live [dot] com
Todd Anderson
The time is now for the people of our country take back our jobs and skills that builds our economy.
Email: rose [at] duj [dot] org
Rose Dujnic
Love your website.
Please make it possible to "Like" your website on Facebook
Email: arusarogge [at] yahool [dot] com
My sons' futures depend on the USA and a healthy economy. I buy American whenever I can, even if it costs more, it will last a lot longer. Need Candy? Chocolate? Vermont Nut Free Chocolate!
Email: P [dot] CAUCHI [at] INFOAERO [dot] NET
Philippe CAUCHI
Buy American and Buy Union Made are a must for every American.
From toothpick to airplane, we should always pick American-owned, American-made, Union made products and services.
Jennifer Petrie
I love buying American. When will your bumper magnets be back? Please connect me with someone who makes kids' clothing and shoes from American products in the USA!
Email: jjbert [at] yahoo [dot] com
Joseph Bertone
Thank you for administering this site.
Email: mikiej09 [at] att [dot] net
This a great way to get local , state, and federal officials, to Be American! support BUY American!
Email: jemersongarrison [at] yahoo [dot] com
Jule Garrison
As stated; made in the USA means jobs for Americans which support communities, which support America. As a Union President, buy american-made product is pass on to everyone I come in contact with. Yes, I buy american; everything from weapons to socks. Our Armed Forces should do the same...
Email: Brianbrenner [at] msn [dot] com
How about supplying your logo as bumper stickers? What a great way to get the word out.
Website - Email: info [at] birdlodges [dot] com
Our products are also "Made in America." American products for American birds!
Email: Nancy [dot] Ryan2015 [at] hotmail [dot] com
Nancy Ryan
I'm tired of smelly cheap clothing coming from countries I have never heard of! Let's get back to America and the old principles...I would be interested in getting an email about what stores sell American or on-line stores. Thank you!
Email: tmeasday1 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Tom Measday
good idea
Website - Email: jackholland [at] hushmail [dot] com
Jack Holland
The Last American Newspaper supports American industry, American-made products, and American workers.
Email: jeannestuart [at] yahoo [dot] com
I would appreciate ease of purchasing All American.
Website - Email: bland2232 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Website - Email: nick [at] wearistand [dot] com
Nick Nichols
We are working to develop some more products that are Made in the U.S.A.
Email: paulvr2001 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Paul V.
I cut China OUT of my budget completely a few years ago and now won't even buy their food (even if my life depends on it). My friend owns a computer shop and I would like to buy an optical mouse but they are all Chinese, sorry friend! It would be great to find one from U.S. !!! Thanks for the good website and work "Project" folks!
Website - Email: contact [at] hetcommunications [dot] com
helga thomas
Thank you for all your good work! I'm in the business of helping American businesses expand and make American products available to a larger market. It's very satisfying...Thanks again!
Brian Green
I support you!
Email: juliewise [at] cox [dot] net
Julie Wise
Interested in buying clothing made in the USA.
Thank you.
Website - Email: rared [at] altimum [dot] net
mary redding
I am interested in buying clothing made in America.
Email: carrolfrank [at] comcast [dot] net
Carrol Frank
Happy I found your website. Will let all my friends know. Keep up the good work.
Email: ldigreg01 [at] aol [dot] com
Laura DiGregorio
I don't have a website to recommend. I am trying to find products completely manufactured in America. Tough to find and sometimes prices are so high. We are a middle class family trying to survive and sometimes you have to succumb to foreign made items because of price. Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. and the competition will bring down prices. We need to help ourselves.
Email: rellis39 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net
Rellis Smith
Glad to see your sight, I had a store a few years ago where I sold American made hot sauce, salsa, seasonings, and other cooking products. After about 10 years I finally retired.
Website - Email: IBOLEN [at] NC [dot] RR [dot] COM
good to see this.
Email: s7and7 [at] hotmail [dot] com
thea diegel
as soon as I can free up some money I will join!
Great article in AARP spending the morning checking
made in america.Lets read more!
Email: oldjule70 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Julia Bunting
So glad to see this site.
Email: wthatche [at] midcoast [dot] com
Wendy Thatcher Hall
Thank you for putting up this site. My parents, especially my dad, always supported American made products. I am proud to follow in their footsteps.
Email: crfrespanglish [at] hotmail [dot] com
Claire Breton
Just read about you in AARP
magazine, terrific! It's about time somebody pays attention to MIA. Very difficult to find sometimes. Thx to ABC's segments on MIA, we hope more realize that's how to keep jobs in USA! Merci Beaucoup!
Email: bjlawhon [at] hughes [dot] net
Billy J Lawhon
I love to buy AMREICAN PRODUCT keep up the good work GO RED WHITE AND BLUE
Email: j [dot] whiddon [at] att [dot] net
John Whiddon
Great to see American made
Email: th73020 [at] gmail [dot] com
Teresa hogg
Email: pstyles [at] hotmail [dot] com
I believe in keeping our money & jobs at home. Lets pass the word to buy American made products whenever possible. That way we can support our local economy and get many out of work Americans back to work. Plus the quality of the workmanship is so much better!
Email: garlandmorton [at] verizon [dot] net
garland b. morton
i will join (bap)a little
later. i also like what you
are doing.keep up the good
work.let me know when and
where a store near me will
come. thank you.
Agatha Desmond
I just found and and a new store in Blue Ridge GA - all of them sell American made products. Very exciting!
Email: suzie [dot] glantz [at] gmail [dot] com
Suzie Glantz
Three cheers for the Red, White and Blue!
Email: annabrightsoul123 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Anna Elizabeth Wooten
Made in America is the only way to go we do it right. Our products last, and we do a good job. I have products in my home that were made in America that are in excellent condition. When I bought something from China it only lasted a few months, or fell apart in a few days. American made goods are the best.
Email: bnw401 [at] yahoo [dot] com
bill willings
I do not like to pay "american" prices for imported products.
Website - Email: buckbayou [at] verizon [dot] net
George Gilmore
American made american paid baby
Email: cinderslu [at] yahoo [dot] com
Cindi Bolyard
Hooray for the red white and blue Keep up the good work
Email: mezcaly [at] centurylink [dot] net
doreen carroll
a wonderful American made sandal co. it's called Piper Sandal Co. in san antonio, texas.
their sandals are awsome...
Website - Email: jolie [at] jolieandelizabeth [dot] com
Jolie Bensen
So happy to see such strong support for Made in USA- we have a factory in New Orleans, LA- all of our dresses are made in the USA and we are SO proud! Thank you for helping us grow and be successful as two young twentysomething designers!
Email: tom [dot] garrison [at] prodigy [dot] net
Thomas Garrison
Buy American will only really work if & when we get rid of ALL politicians that don't realy believe in AMERICA and our traditions!!!
Email: dfurrysr [at] bex [dot] net
David P. Furry Sr
I make every effort to buy American Made.
The best way to create Jobs, is for Americans to do the same. The Government dosen't create anything, but confusion.
Email: Rmartin214 [at] msn [dot] com
Richard & Donna Martin
Buying "Made in the USA" products will go a long ways in creating jobs for our unemployed.
Email: michaelsgary8 [at] gmail [dot] com
Michael Gary
Great idea ! I hope this movement grows.
Email: stoddard [at] frontier [dot] com
Bonni Stoddard
Great. We all want USA brands and products. Keep up the good work for all.
Website - Email: mrritts [at] aol [dot] com
Richard Gallo
Thnak you for this site. I regret there is a $25. membership fee as I can not spare it at this time. I believe strongly in buying American wherever possible and affordable. It's good to see the Corning and Anchor glass is still made in USA. Also found Staples sells some products made in USA. I believe we can bring jobs back home.
Website - Email: jenusa10 [at] gmail [dot] com
Jennie Chatman
If America want's job, buying the products & services will make it happen.
Email: kathleenmccrmck [at] aol [dot] com
Kathy McCormick
Awesome !!!! I am sooooo happy to find you. I will not buy anything that doesn't carry the USA brand on it. Was just recently Christmas shopping with my daughter and found jeans with a VERY well known name on them . Even said San Francisco on the label. I was soooo excited until--- I read the tag inside. Made in China. I was devastated to say the least. I refused to let her buy them for me. I'll keep my old jeans from the 70's thank you. I'm ordering jeans from you today !!! Thank you for Made in the USA jeans.
Email: tntscastle [at] comcast [dot] net
Tammy Ravert
I would like to add your site to my Facebook Page. Send a link to FaceBook.
Thanks! We need to bring jobs back and put people back to work.
Email: df83455 [at] silverstar [dot] com
Diana Flint
I have been unemployed since 2002 and I do BUY AMERICAN made products. From Pyrex, Homer Laughlin, Rada Cutlery, Cutco, Lamson Sharp, Bil-Jax scaffolding, Hoffma's boots, Wesco Boots Thorogood Boots, White's Boots,, EX-DUZ-IT can opener from, Mountain King Artificial Christmas Tree, All American Clothing,,,,,, Americas Virtual General Store,,,, bgreen apparel, thorl socks, darn vermont socks, wigwam socks, titan industrial, council tool,,,, liberty tabletop,,,, new balance, schaefer ranchwear and many more companies we buy from. Our products are made with regulations, quality and pride. Plus, it keeps someone employed a little bit longer.
Website - Email: tc [at] hoptc [dot] com
Thomas Chavez
Bravo Zulu!
Email: TomOzzy123 [at] aol [dot] com
Tom Morris
I would like to see more Americans buying American-brand cars again. They still, on average, use the most domestic parts, build over 60% of their vehicles in the U.S., and employ thousands more U.S. workers than the foreign transplants. Also, they pump more money in taxes and profits into the economy.
Email: yourmacfriend [at] me [dot] com
Email: rick [dot] harvala [at] navteq [dot] com
Rick Harvala
Lets Go! Keep this going...
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