Buy American Project
companies, jobs, products and prosperity.
Welcome to the Buy American Project
Welcome to our website and welcome to our cause! The Buy American Project is the only non-profit of its kind that focuses strictly on the Buy American issue and is solely devoted to furthering its cause.
Why do we call it the "Buy American Project?" Because we've got work to do! Polls consistently show that Americans want to buy American (especially if price and quality are equal with imports) but if you've looked at the store shelves lately you'll see it's sometimes very difficult to do.
Did you know...
- It is often easier to buy American-made products than you think?
- It often doesn't cost the consumer extra time or money to be able to find and buy American-made products?
- If it was easier for Americans to find and buy American products, they would?
This is where the Buy American Project (BAP) comes in. We are devoted to educating the consumer and our legislators of the benefits of buying American to our nation, and making it easier to do so. Awareness is the key.
We support American companies that produce right here in the United States, and we want to make it easier for them to sell their products in America and abroad. If they could:
- More American workers would be hired.
- More American factories would be built.
- More revenue would fill the U.S. Treasury.
- Both our trade deficit and budget deficit would decrease. (Balanced trade, anyone?)
The Congressional Buy American Caucus was formed on April 15, 2010, giving our members of congress a platform to vocally support the Buy American cause in our country.
The Buy American Project - with your help, your membership, and your support - stands ready to educate our congressional representatives on the benefits of joining the caucus and supporting Buy American legislation, like the HR 4663 - the 21st Century Buy American Act - which proposes raising the American content of products procured for government contracts.
The stronger the Congressional Buy American Caucus, the stronger our Buy American legislation will be!
These are just some of the issues the Buy American Project is pushing. We invite you to navigate our website and join our cause to support the Buy American agenda in America! You can join and support our cause for as little as $25 here.
Buying American in the News
Made In USA In High Demand
This is why organizations like the Made in the USA Foundation and activists like Roger Simmermaker, author of How Americans Can Buy American and owner of, became active in identifying American-made products. "When it comes to buying American, I tell people to start with the smaller items," advises Simmermaker. "I also advocate buying American-made products from American companies, which can be harder than you think. Swiss Miss is American, and Carnation is owned by the Swiss."
Who, What, Where, & Why to Buying American Products from US Companies
In celebration of the 4th of July holiday, Women's Voices Magazine asked Jim Palmer and Roger Simmermaker to share their thoughts, research, and experiences with us. As you will see, buying "Made in America" is one way to truly support economic independence and national security of the USA in today's world.
'Made in America' not easy for retailers to deliver on
Wherever you stand on the issue of prices versus patriotism, Florida "Buy American" advocate Roger Simmermaker said July Fourth is a good time for citizens to take stock about how they are spending their money whether they're going to support jobs in the United States or outside the country. "We have a Declaration of Independence, not a declaration of interdependence," said Simmermaker, an author of two books on buying U.S. made products. "Buying American is about more than just American-made products and U.S. jobs," he said. "We're less of an independent country to the extent that we rely on other nations to supply our wants and needs."
BAMW: I propose a toast to truly American beer
According to the Brewers Association, there are over 2,700 craft breweries in the U.S., many of which serve authentic American-brewed, American-owned beer.
U.S. Flouts Its Own Advice in Procuring Overseas Clothing
One of the world's biggest clothing buyers, the United States government spends more than $1.5 billion a year at factories overseas, acquiring everything from the royal blue shirts worn by airport security workers to the olive button-downs required for forest rangers and the camouflage pants sold to troops on military bases.
Cars made here, but with a lot of foreign parts
Domestic automakers tend to pay more in taxes, because they have been around for a century and typically do not get the huge tax breaks foreign automakers do when they open new plants in the United States, said Simmermaker. Foreign car companies have built U.S. plants with imported steel, gotten financing from banks in their home countries and avoided paying duties on imported parts.
BAMW: Show your support for John Ratzenberger's new American Made TV Series!
John Ratzenberger is back and he's starting a new TV series called John Ratzenberger's American Made. You may also remember John Ratzenberger as Cliff Clavin the mailman on Cheers or his many voice parts in Pixar's feature films like Toy Story and the Cars series.
Goodwill project is built almost entirely of domestic materials
Roger Simmermaker, the Central Florida author of "How Americans Can Buy American," said what Walmart is doing, as well as the Williams Company in West Melbourne, show the issue still resonates strongly with Americans. "Typically, when you ask people, do they prefer American goods when price and quality are the same, they'll say 'yes,'" said Simmermaker. "Businesses see those polls," Simmermaker said, "and they're more in tune to play the 'Made in the USA' card if you will."
BAMW: Top quality cooking for around your kitchen or your campfire
More and more Americans today deplore the practice of outsourcing solely to take advantage of selling to the American market while undercutting American producers who proudly employ American workers. Few American companies have exclusively employed only Americans for longer than Jacob Bromwell has.
Spending Smart: Finding value in 'Made in the USA'
FOLLOW THE PROFITS: Roger Simmermaker, author of the book "How Americans Can Buy American," suggests starting more simply than with vehicles and appliances. Start in the supermarket "where, ultimately, you spend more of your time and more of your money." His idea is not to just buy American-made products but products from American companies, which pay more taxes than foreign firms. For example, even though both are American-made and known to be quality brands, Clorox is owned by an American company and Lysol is owned by a British company. Prego is American-owned; Ragu is owned by Unilever, which traces ownership to England and the Netherlands.
BAMW: Sign the petition to ban Chinese-processed chicken!
Let's put a stop to this blatantly unsafe and unnecessary concession and let it be known that we don't want any chicken from China coming to America! Sign the White House petition on the website, and alert every like-minded concerned citizen that you know, encouraging them to do the same.
BAMW: Friends don't let friends wear foreign sunglasses
So here's your chance to make sure you're sporting American-made sunglasses for the rest of the sun-filled days this year and beyond, and let everyone know you support the 'Buy American' cause at the same time.
BAMW: Not licking your chops for Chinese Chicken?
Then sign this White House petition!
Chinese-processed chicken will soon become a reality in America, courtesy of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), unless the American people are willing to make a move right now to stop it!
US House passes Michaud's requirement for 100% made in the USA military uniforms
On June 13th, the House of Representatives passed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization bill sponsored by Rep. Mike Michaud that would require any footwear provided to members of the Armed Forces upon initial entry be made in America. New Balance, which can make footwear to comply with federal procurement rules, employs hundreds of Mainers in Norway, Norridgewock and Skowhegan.
The Problem With 'Buy American'
Let's make a deal. Government will agree to protect only those American workers and small-business owners who in return agree to stop buying foreign-made products. For example, American steel workers will get protection from steel imports only if they, in exchange, agree to stop buying the likes of Toyota cars, Samsung televisions, etc.
Rick Perry Vetoes "Buy American" Bill Approved 145-0 By Texas House
Rick Perry vetoed the "Buy American" bill on Saturday, despite a unanimous bipartisan vote in the Texas House. The bill, which would have given preference to American-made goods, also passed in the Senate with 23-7 vote and was sponsored by Republicans.
BAMW: An Old Country Store with old-fashioned values
In many ways, Cracker Barrel's business really is synonymous with tried-and-true American values. Whether it's treating people fairly, with dignity and mutual respect, encouraging those with the drive and talent to succeed, or giving people a fair deal at a fair price, sticking to values like these has rewarded the company with the praise and loyalty of guests.
Buying American-made or Buying American?
... it's easier to 'Buy American' instead of just buying 'American made' than most people might think, and unless we have some type of strong brand loyalty in a particular area, any brand will do at about the same price. So let's vote with our dollars and 'Buy American' where we can and when we can, so we can keep jobs, profits, and tax revenue within our national borders where they should be.
Made in America label stages comeback at US stores
When Roger Simmermaker went shopping for clothes at a Florida mall in the mid-1990s, he wanted to buy American, but to his frustration, he couldn't find anything made in the USA. The experience motivated Simmermaker, an electronics technician by trade, to write "How Americans Can Buy American" - a guide to finding products manufactured in the United States, which were a scarce commodity at the time.
Apparel advocate: Bring clothing manufacturing back to U.S.
Manufacture New York expects to open its doors on a 20,000-square foot manufacturing and design facility in Brooklyn, New York, in July. Over 100 designers have participated so far. And what we plan to do is mentor, train and provide production resources for this generation of designers and for major labels who want to bring their productions back to the U.S.
BAMW: Re-thinking re-shoring
Everyone has heard of outsourcing and offshoring, but not everyone realizes the negative economic consequences to the nation that results from the closing of domestic manufacturing plants and the shipping of those jobs overseas.
Toyota, Honda, Nissan announce recall of more than 2 million vehicles over air bag issue
Toyota, Honda and Nissan are recalling more than 2 million vehicles globally for an identical problem with air bags on the passenger side whose inflator may burst, sending plastic pieces flying. The recall for air bags made by Japan's Takata Corp. affects other automakers including non-Japanese manufacturers, and may be as many as 3 million vehicles, Takata spokeswoman Akiko Watanabe said Thursday. She declined to give details.
Buford-Based Okabashi Featured in 'Buy American' Article
Interested in buying American made apparel? In a recent WND article, author Roger Simmermaker lists five companies, including one in Buford, Ga., that produce American apparel and accessories.
New Auto Index Redefines "American Made" Cars
The Kogod Made in America Auto Index was assembled by Associate Professor Frank DuBois, an expert in global supply chain management, at American University's Kogod School of Business. Among other sources, the data was compiled from publicly-disclosed American Automobile Labeling Act (AALA) reports as of February 2013.
Made-in-USA label pays off for investors
The benefits of the Made-in-the-USA marketing tag now apply to stocks as well as shoes, SUVs and software. How so? With Europe hobbled by debt, white-hot China cooling and emerging markets slowing, stocks of U.S. companies that get most of their revenue from U.S.-based sales are performing better than companies that do 50% or more of their sales abroad, where things aren't going as well.
GM to invest $332 million in plant upgrades, including 2 in Michigan
General Motors plans to invest $332 million to upgrade four manufacturing operations, including two in Michigan and one in Toledo, to expand powertrain parts production. The automaker also will increase its spending on two previously announced expansions in Saginaw and Romulus by $46 million to meet demand for a new 6-cylinder engine. The company's fresh investments are part of its plan announced in January to pump $1.5 billion into its North American operations in 2013.
Japanese Advantage Set to Derail Ford Motor Company (F) and General Motors Company (GM)?
Since Oct. 1, 2012, the yen has fallen 23% against the U.S. dollar. What that really means is that the devalued yen will give Toyota and Honda a significant financial advantage on every single vehicle sold. Toyota exports over 2 million vehicles annually, and when those vehicles enter the U.S. or European market, they become more profitable for the company.